Sunday 17 March 2013

Experimenting with Paverpol

More experiments with Paverpol.  

Of course, when I'm told 'this is how it works', I immediately take it as a challenge to see how else something can work. 

Or to quote Thomas Edison "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk."

I believe that holds true to creating also.  So going through my pile of junk I've found out how rice paper, floor mop heads, doilies and tissue paper all can be used with Paverpol - of course that doesn't mean that they should....

Each new material has it's own joy and challenge, but really the fun of creating is to experiment and see how far you can push a products abilities isn't it?

 Now to find out just how hardy those mushrooms are.  

With Fairy Season fast approaching, I am driven to experiment with a few different types of Fairies, wings, and any other accessories needed for good fairy life.  Then folks, be prepared as the Fairy Courses will soon follow.

Thursday 28 February 2013

It's been HOW MANY days

One busy week, finishing off already started projects, (finally) laying some old projects to final rest.  Trust me we're all better off with that one!  Then the old meeting a deadline and most importantly - wrapping, bending, dressing and preening.

Pictures are under wraps for a little bit longer.  Stay tuned for what's next.